Widget Developer @Orange R&D
Gadget Factory was part of the widget specification team. As javascript developer I was in charge of coaching 2 junior developers and create gadgets ordered by business partners.
Soon job started to repeat itself, so I created a framework to quickly develop multi-platform gadgets (OSX dashboard, Vista sidebar, bubbletop (orange netvibes clone) and iGoogle). The framework is based on company standards: ANT, Eclipse and custom javascript libraries. Development time has been reduced by 90% and the team won the 2008 “new territory” Orange Award (there is 7 awards worldwide).
I wrote http://jsexperience.blogspot.fr blog to share my experiments.

Orange R&D
Oct 2007 - Jun 2008 (9 months)
Involved skills
- JavaScript
- Windows Sidebar
- Apple
- Dashboard
- iGoogle
- Netvibes
- eclipse
- ant